This Website Is Being Operated for Clients of:
Unfortunately, earlier this year, Patrick J. Mulligan, the principal of both the Mulligan Law Firm and the Fox Law Firm, passed away.
His untimely death may impact you and your legal case. See the boxes below for how to obtain more information or have questions answered.
I have a pending case with Mulligan Law Firm or The Fox Law Firm on specific drugs.
Important: The death of Mr. Mulligan means his firms can no longer represent you.
But: We have found other competent lawyers to represent you IF your pending case involves the following drugs, products, or devices: Xarelto, Taxotere, Talc, Lipitor, and Essure.
I believe my case has settled but I haven't received anything yet and have questions.
Important: The Estate of Patrick J. Mulligan has hired an outside law firm to help deal with all pending settlements.
Note: This outside law firm is not acting as your lawyers but can help answer questions regarding your case and settlement
I have information about, or questions related to, Mulligan or Fox Law Firms.
Important: The Estate of Patrick J. Mulligan has hired an outside law firm to address any matters related to the Mulligan Law Firm and/or the Fox Law Firm.
Note: This law firm can address any inquiries and/or follow up on client payments and receivables.